Future Seascapes
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The challenge

If Turner were to paint The Fighting Temeraire today, how would it look? What about in 2050?

That’s the question Lloyd’s Register asked – and answered – with their campaign ‘Future Seascapes’.

Delivered by PR agency The Romans, and executed by N2O, this one-of-a-kind VIP exhibition took 18th and 19th century masterworks depicting beautiful seascapes, and reimagined them for the mid-21st century. The paintings serve to highlight technological advancements made towards decarbonised shipping, and showcases Lloyd’s Register’s ambitions for a more sustainable maritime industry.

Insight & Strategy

The purpose of the Lloyd’s Register campaign is to launch their Maritime Decarbonisation Hub, which aims to create safe, sustainable pathways to a zero-carbon maritime industry.


As an agency committed to a more sustainable future, N2O was proud to help bring this idea to life. From setting up a COVID-secure gallery space that could safely host high-profile members of the maritime industry, to capturing and creating a virtual 360-degree tour of the exhibition, N2O provided a wraparound service that seamlessly joined the physical and digital components of the campaign.


Watch the video to find out more, or click here to view the exhibition of oil paintings by Monet, Van Gogh, Turner and others reimagined for the 21st century by digital artist and illustrator Reuben Dangoor.

360° tour

COVID secure gallery

Hybrid event
The End
More coming soon!