New image trends – predictions 2017

Our Creative intern Peter has been busy predicting the latest image trends for 2017.

Comeback of the unfiltered image

Photography in this day and age tends to be saturated with filters; Instagram, Snapchat and now even Facebook have jumped on the bandwagon. But 2017 is predicted to be the year of the unfiltered image.

Colour resurgence

The colour surge of 2012 is back. From brands to music videos, photography to film; visual design is about to take a turn for the colourful.

Image of make-up

Often trends are a reaction to previous and existing trends, and the world of makeup is no different. This year, expect to see glossy exposed skin, bright bold bursts of colour, striking lips and make-up illusions that challenge the eye.


As the quality of images taken by handheld cameras has improved, we are now experiencing the age of virtuality, in which the viewer can be fully immersed within the image. Sports are dominating this area with cheaper, smaller cameras that put the viewer right in the moment with a single image. With the development of VR and 360°, this virtuality trend takes the viewers beyond passive spectating, into a fully interactive virtual experience, that they can make their own.

The End
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