Let's talk talk

Experiences drive talk

People love nothing more than talking about their experiences.

With the ‘experience economy’ on the rise, coupled with social-media-driven FOMO, sharable experiences have real storytelling value, both online and face-to-face.

After all, if you skydive and don’t tell anyone about it, did it really happen?

Talk drives sales…

… 19% of sales, in fact.

Talkability and shareability may be the marketing buzzwords of the moment, but whether this word-of-mouth is on or offline, it’s vital you give customers something to talk about. Make sure these conversations about your brand actually happen, and you’ll reap the benefits.

Which means experiences drive sales!

Experiences start the conversations that drive sales, so could there be any better place to start selling than with experiential marketing?

Give customers that emotion-evoking experience that excites them, leaving them a positive association and memory of your brand, and they’ll be telling their friends as quick as they can get that Instagrammable photo (the one you staged so well for them) filtered, hashtagged and posted.

Not only will experiential get consumers talking about your brand, but also establish a long-term relationship with your brand, leading to brand loyalty and advocacy further down the road.

The End
More coming soon!