Nano Influencers: Small but mighty

Nano Influencers: Small but mighty

There has never been a better time to utilise the power of ‘nano-influencers’ – that is, people with between 1,000 and 5,000 followers on social media – to get your product in front of your brand's target audience. The impressive aggregated reach and engagement on offer have caused an increase in demand for nano-influencers from our clients over the last 12 months.

The latest research from Influencer Intelligence reflects this trend, with 76% of marketing specialists surveyed saying they have worked with nano-influencers in the past year - making them the most popular influencer segment for brand collaborations.

Who are they?

These nano-influencers aren’t celebrities; they’re ordinary people with a natural talent for influencing others, and who are doing so successfully on social media. Their lack of celebrity status makes them more appealing to followers, and therefore to brands. They’re perceived by followers as more approachable, more authentic and less commercially driven than both major celebrities and influencers with larger followings.

What can they do?

Nano influencers’ opportunities increased during the pandemic as audiences began to put more emphasis on trust and authenticity and recoiled from overt sales pitches.

This follows a longer-term shift in focus when it comes to influencer marketing metrics – from follower numbers to engagement. In fact, 45% of marketing specialists said they choose nano-influencers specifically for their higher engagement rates. Major influencers and celebrities, by contrast, tend to deliver a wide (and therefore expensive!) reach, without necessarily following through with engagement or conversion. According to the online platform, influencers with between 2,000 and 5,000 followers achieve an average engagement rate of 6%; for influencers with over 1 million followers, the average rate drops to 1.5%.

There are many ways to work with nano-influencers, whether it’s via a formal long-term partnership with a group of influencers, a campaign-specific contract with one individual, or a wider more informal strategy using gifting to earn endorsements and exposure for your brand.

But regardless of the campaign strategy, there are two things you’ve got to get right: choosing the right influencer, and finding the best way to work with them for maximum effectiveness. We use our experience, our own influencer database of profiled individuals coupled with industry tools like Influencer Intelligence to find the best match for your brand to create content that resonates with your target audience.

Contact us now to find out how using nano-influencers could benefit your brand.


  • The Rise of Nano Influencers, Influencer Intelligence, Jan 2020
  • Influencer Rate and Engagement Report,

Header image: N2O at All Out Beauty

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