N2O Insights

N2O Insights

N2O Insights

N2O Insights

Amazon’s Treasure Truck: the beginning of a new way to shop?

Online retail giant Amazon has been trekking its blue and red circus-themed truck across the US since last year, and now it’s travelling across the pond to excite a UK audience. In fact, it's coming right to Maidenhead, N2O's Headquarters, as of February 2018.

What’s on offer?

The notion is simple: Amazon selects its favourite new or trending products from its massive catalogue, sends you an alert to tell you what’s hot, you buy it, then you head to the truck to pick it up. All items are either particularly cool, particularly cheap, or on a limited-time offer.

No longer will shoppers trying to find that perfect gift need to go online and search for inspiration; instead, a simple alert on their smartphone will tell them what item they really need.

Quality, not quantity

Once, Amazon’s goal was giving customers as wide a selection as possible. But in the last few years, Amazon seems to be re-embracing product curation. Fashion lines, gifting guides, seasonal home furnishing collections – and now the Treasure Truck – all respond to customers’ desire for a quality selection, not just quantity. There really is such a thing as too much choice, and the Treasure Truck does all the choosing for you.

Creating a spectacle

As well as acting as a mobile shopping grab bag, regular events happen around the truck, too. The truck brings together experiential, guerrilla marketing and PR all rolled into one. And that makes us feel rather warm and fuzzy…

The truck is starting out in London and Manchester, with more UK destinations rumoured to be rolled out soon. Find out more on Amazon’s website.

Image source: Amazon

The End
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