N2O Insights

N2O Insights

N2O Insights

N2O Insights

From a distance: 4 ways to drive brand love at home

What do influencer marketing and experiential marketing have in common? 


That's the ultimate goal - an emotional connection between brand and consumer. And while current restrictions might mean both experiential and influencer marketing look a little different right now, that objective - emotion - hasn't changed.

Here are four ways N2O can use our database of influencers to help your brand engage customers at home:

1. Product review boxes

Use product review boxes to engage with an active audience in a highly targeted way. Product review boxes can deliver on multiple marketing objectives, including delighting consumers, capturing consumer data, generating 'word of mouth' recommendations and even providing a platform for a branded at-home event.

2. 'Get Ready With Me' content

Since the UK entered lockdown, many artists have turned to social media to carry on entertaining fans from their own homes. From charity gigs to virtual music festivals, staying in is totally the new going out!

We've been teaming up with influencers to create pre-event content (such as 'Get ready with me' live tutorials, and 'Watch me later' videos). With (what would have been) festival season quickly approaching, now is the perfect time for beauty brands to make the most of this opportunity.

3. Giveaways

Who doesn’t love a freebie? With purse strings held that little bit tighter, people are looking for freebies more than ever. Giveaways with influencers can deliver more social followers, drive engagement and create a positive emotional association with your brand. Plus, presenting the prize in an attractive, tempting way will make it naturally shareable, helping expand reach way beyond your original investment.

4. Collaborative challenges

Ever since lockdown, people have been creating ‘challenges’ to bring people together. Whether it be exercise, beauty or the latest viral TikTok dance, people love being a part of something. And with the introduction of the new ‘Challenge’ sticker on Instagram, creating mass reach has never been so easy.

So, whether you’re looking to drive sales, raise brand awareness, boost views or downloads, we’re here to help. Get in touch today!

The End
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